How Much Does A Lawyer Make An Hour?

This is common knowledge that becoming a Lawyer is considered to be one of the most lucrative career options out there. But did you know that there are also a lot of qualifications that are needed to get a job in that position? 

In this article, I will be discussing “How much does a Lawyer make an hour” and more about the profession. Keep reading till the end of the article to find out more information about it!

How Long Does It Take To Become A Lawyer?

Become A Lawyer
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The total time that it takes to become a full-time lawyer is between the time of five and eight years. That is only after one has completed their Higher Secondary education. The actual time that it takes also depends upon the exact career path in ‘Law’ that one chooses. 

For example, if you want to pursue a course in “Integrated Law” then it is going to take a total time of five years. However, if you take up Law, right after having graduated from your Higher Secondary, then that can take you a total of six to eight years in total for obtaining a Law degree.

Educational Requirements For Becoming A Lawyer

Educational Requirements For Becoming A Lawyer
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A majority of the states require various aspiring lawyers to complete an approved, and accredited law school program which leads to a degree of Juris Doctor (J.D). This generally requires 3 years of full-time study. In most cases, an applicant also needs to have a completed bachelor’s degree by the time they begin law school.

After having graduated from Law school, an individual is required to pass their state exam and then submit an application to the concerned “State Bar Association”. The Bar Association is then going to use this application information to determine whether or not the applicant has the ability to practice law.

If the Bar Association approves then the applicant gets admitted to the bar and becomes a lawyer. 

Procedure Of Becoming A Lawyer

 Becoming A Lawyer
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Out of all the well-paying professions out there, becoming a Lawyer is considered to take less number of years. Here is a list of steps that you are required to follow to become a lawyer:

Getting A Bachelor’s Degree

The first step towards becoming a lawyer would be to complete all four years of college. For this, you need to complete 4 years of college. You need the UG course to get the bachelor’s degree to be able to get into Law School. 

There are a lot of lawyers who majored in Government History, Public Speaking, English, Math, and Economics to get a Bachelor’s degree. 

Keep reading till the end of the article to find out information about how much does a Lawyer make an hour”!

Passing LSAT

After you have already graduated college it becomes time for you to get into Law School. But before getting into a law school it becomes important to take and pass the LSAT (Law School Admission Test). This particular test determines whether a candidate has the necessary skills to succeed in Law school.

Enrolling In A Law School

Enrolling In A Law School
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After you have already been admitted to a Law school you are going to be able to start with your official Law degree. Firstly, you would want to apply to the law schools that have been accredited by the ABA (American Bar Association). Then you can go and complete your JD (Juris Degree). 

While still in Law school, you are going to be able to study topics like contracts, constitutional law, legal writing, property law, and civil procedure. You are also going to get the option of specializing in subjects like labor laws, corporate law, and tax law.

Law schools usually take about three years to complete. 

Passing The Bar Exam

After you are already done completing all of the necessary education, it will be time for you to take the bar exam. You will have to pass this bar exam for any of the states where you want to practice law. 

After you pass the bar exam you are officially going to become a practicing lawyer. Depending on the state where you are applying, there needs to be a continued education for every 3 years.

How Much Do Lawyers Make An Hour?

Now on to answering your query on “how much money does a lawyer make an hour”. Well, as of February 2024, the hourly average pay for a Lawyer in the US is $48.38. The majority of wages of lawyers range between $37.98-$49.52. 

What Does Their Job Entail?

 lawyers job
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Lawyers are known to provide representation and advice on various legal issues. These people might work on representing businesses, individual clients, or even for governmental departments and agencies. Some of the common duties for lawyers are:

  • providing legal advice
  • making phone calls, writing letters about legal matters on behalf of the clients
  • serving as a middle ground between attorneys and a client
  • investigating of legal and civil cases
  • conducting legal research
  • drafting legal documents and contracts
  • representing clients in administrative hearings or court
  • prosecuting the criminal defendants
  • representing various governmental agencies in different civil matters

To Wrap It Up!

Becoming a lawyer is considered to be a lucrative career as it has a lot of potential for providing people with both professional and personal growth. It provides people with the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of many – and to stand for what’s right.

Thank you for reading this article up till the end. I hope you found the information about “how much does a lawyer make an hour” to be useful.

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