What Is Emancipation Lawyer?

What is Emancipation Lawyer

This is a legal process where any minor means any person who is under the age of 18 is released from the control of their parents.

After the minor is emancipated he or she is free to make any decisions on their own and they don’t need any approval from their parents or guidance. 

But after that, the parents or the guidance also do not need to maintain any responsibilities and provide any care or financial support like providing food or shelter.

What Emancipation Lawyers Means

  • The lawyer helps the minor to get through the process of Emancipation by taking their cases.  
  • Commonly this process needs permission from the parents but if the minor does not have permission then in that case the lawyers who fought for the case are called the Emancipation Lawyers. 

Process To Get Emancipated 

The emancipated must file a petition for the emancipated process and the petition must include factors like: 

  • consent or acquiescence of parents. 
  • Employment status 
  • Marital status
  • independent income or a form of stability
  • Strong Desire to live independently

We hope you have no doubt regarding this matter and completely understand what Emancipation Lawyer is.  

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