What is Legal Separation?

What is Legal Separation

A legal separation is a legal way that allows a married couple to live separately. This is a court-ordered agreement. The order doesn’t terminate the marriage contract. However, it does manage and structure the couple’s obligations. 

There are two types of legal separation. One is trial separation. In this separation, a couple temporarily separates from each other. When they are not sure about their separation decision they choose trial separation instead of divorce. 

The other one is permanent separation. This is a fully legal separation. Unlike trial separation, the couple has decided to live a separate life. The agreement on this separation may include, Financial support, child custody, child support, and visitation agreements.

Unlike divorce, legal separation is just a legal way to live separate lives. The court doesn’t terminate the marriage contract. Therefore there is no asset division or liability of child and other things. 

There are many reasons to choose legal separation including,

  • Maintaining Tax benefits
  • Reducing alimony
  • Religious beliefs 
  • To experience a separate living life
  • For the sake of the children separating is better than divorce 
  • Social security benefits

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